Actions to Take for Unclogging a Blocked Drain Before Contacting Professional Plumbers

Actions to Take for Unclogging a Blocked Drain Before Contacting Professional Plumbers

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Here in the next paragraphs you can discover more really good information when it comes to Some easy tips to fix blocked drains.


Managing a blocked drain can be an aggravating experience, disrupting day-to-day activities and potentially creating damage to your home. However, prior to connecting to pipes professionals, there are actions you can require to deal with the issue yourself. In this guide, we'll check out DIY services and safety nets to take on a blocked drainpipe efficiently.

Determining the Problem

The very first step in attending to a blocked drain is identifying the signs. Sluggish water drainage, gurgling audios, foul odors rising from drains, or water backing up prevail indications of a blocked drain. Determining these signs early can help prevent further problems.

Usual Sources Of Blocked Drainpipes

Understanding the variables that contribute to drain clogs is crucial for efficient resolution. Usual offenders include hair, soap residue, grease, food debris, and foreign objects like sanitary items or paper towels. Tree origins attacking underground pipelines can likewise trigger considerable blockages.

Do it yourself Solutions

For minor clogs, several do it yourself services can be efficient. Pouring boiling thin down the drainpipe can assist liquify oil and particles. Baking soda and vinegar or a mixture of salt and baking soft drink can function as natural cleaners. Using a plunger or pipes snake to dislodge blockages is one more alternative.

Devices and Devices

Having the right tools on hand can make do it yourself drainpipe cleaning more efficient. A bettor is a flexible tool for getting rid of blockages in sinks, toilets, and showers. A pipes snake or auger can get to deeper clogs, while drain cleansing chemicals can be utilized cautiously for stubborn blockages.

Safety nets

To avoid future obstructions, embracing safety nets is crucial. Set up drainpipe guards or filters to capture hair and particles prior to they get in the pipelines. Routinely flush drains with hot water to dissolve oil build-up, and avoid taking care of grease or solid waste away.

When to Call a Specialist

While do it yourself remedies can resolve small obstructions, particular signs suggest the need for professional assistance. Relentless clogs, foul odors despite cleaning up efforts, or numerous drains supporting all at once are warnings that call for expert intervention.

Choosing the Right Pipes Service

When selecting a plumbing solution, take into consideration aspects such as experience, licensing, and client reviews. Select a credible plumbing professional with a performance history of quality craftsmanship and clear pricing methods.

Expense Considerations

The cost of professional drain cleaning services can vary relying on the severity of the clog and the plumbing technician's rates. Request quotes from multiple companies and ask about any type of surcharges to guarantee transparency and stay clear of shocks.

Safety and security Precautions

When attempting do it yourself drainpipe cleaning, prioritize safety and security. Put on safety gloves and eyeglasses to avoid contact with unsafe chemicals or germs. Never blend various drain cleaning products, as this can generate hazardous fumes.

Instance Researches

Real-life instances show the effectiveness of DIY options and the importance of prompt professional intervention in solving drainpipe blockages.


By adhering to the tips laid out in this guide, you can efficiently take on blocked drains and protect against future pipes issues. Whether opting for DIY services or looking for specialist help, timely action is vital to maintaining a healthy and balanced plumbing system and maintaining the honesty of your home.

9 Ways You Can Clear a Blocked Drain

Blocked Drains from Hair

We’ve seen it all before, a build-up of hair that’s leads to a clogged drain. Most times it’s a moderately easy task to simply ‘remove the hair’, but if it’s not cleared up straight away – it can cause a lot of issues down the line.

Hair falling off the body in the shower or while getting ready over the sink and in the bathroom is one of the most common causes of blocked sinks and drains. But whilst it’s a common problem for many homeowners, there are ways you can fix your drain and put a long-term solution in place.

How to Fix Blocked Drains from Hair?

What to do: Small amounts of hair can be removed by pulling it out with gloved hands to avoid it getting worse. Drain cleaning devices such as drain spiders can also be purchased to help remove the hair from the drain. However, it’s important to be careful as some devices and cheap hair removal chemicals can make the problem worse.

It’s important to remove the hair before it gets clogged into the entry of the drain pipes. If you’re unable to reach the hair or the devices aren’t working as intended, it’s time to speak to a blocked drain specialist.

Blocked Drains from Plants and Dirt

Natural debris like trees, shrubs, dirt and leaves can be an issue for water drains, especially after spring and autumn. Your regular garden and drain maintenance that keeps the outdoor area looking great is also essential to the productivity of your water drains and pipes.

Leaves aren’t the only culprit, however – tree roots are notorious for growing underneath in search of water and as a result, will usually head straight to your drains.

How to Fix Blocked Drains from Plants and Dirt?

What to do: To prevent plants, leaves and dirt from blocking the drains, keep the outdoor area clear of fallen leaves and debris. If this mess is left long enough, it will cause your drains to become severely blocked.

Keep your trees well-watered so they are less drawn to the drains as a source of moisture and stay away from clogging plants where possible; like willow trees, oak trees, magnolias, boxwood shrubs, palm trees and gum trees.

While ensuring your yard is free from leaves and dirt is a great way to prevent build-up, sometimes the real issues lay under the surface. Tree roots can crack your drain pipes beneath your home – causing severe blockages and leaks. Specialist drain cleaning equipment can be used to clear the blockage and pipe relining technology can provide a long-term structural repair.

Blocked Drains from Grease Build-up

Like hair in the bathroom, grease and fat will build-up in the kitchen sink over time. These fatty substances are a very common cause of blocked drains and pipes and can be a nuisance to clear out.

Any grease waste or fatty substance that is washed down the sink will stick to the inside of the pipes and eventually build up to a point no liquid can pass through. It’s important to be aware that this grease doesn’t leave the pipes as easily as you would expect.

How to Fix Blocked Drains from Grease Build-up?

What to do: Avoid washing these fatty ingredients down the affected drain as much as possible. Grease that’s washed down the drain will cool and harden in the pipes.

A smart way to prevent this build-up of grease is to start collecting all glass jars that you purchase at the supermarket. Then, instead of pouring this oil or kitchen grease down the drain, put it in the small glass or plastic containers to discard with your garbage.

Blocked Drains from Toiletries

As more people get into the habit of disposing of toiletries down the drain, bigger problems are being caused in our pipes and sewers. Nappies and baby wipes are the two common issue items known to block drains after being flushed down the toilet.

Such items become immersed with water, they absorb the moisture and enlarge, quickly blocking access to water drains and pipes.

How to Fix Blocked Drains from Toiletries?

What to do: This way of disposing of toiletries is dreadful for the environment and everyone should be encouraged to dispose of toiletries the right way. In the home, these items should be taken out with your garbage, just as people should make use of the designated bins when using public changing rooms and toilets.

Blocked Drains from Heavy Rain and Storms

Throughout the wet season, drains will experience floods of water because of heavy rainfall. Because drains aren’t really designed to take the full impact of this weather, water build-up can be common in many Perth households.

When there is an overflow of rainwater in gutters and downpipes, there’s a good chance there’s a blocked drain that needs to be cleared out.

How to Fix Blocked Drains from Heavy Rain and Storms?

What to do: Ensure gutters and outdoor drains are cleaned during the wet season to prevent a build-up of leaves which will cause a bigger blockage. Problems caused by heavy rain and storms will usually require a plumber to help unclog and assist with the wastewater removal. If this is the case, contact them as soon as possible to prevent further build-up and potential flooding in your home and yard.

What I learned from trying to deal with a clogged drain

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